Privacy policy

1. Introduction

The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to provide information, in accordance with the provisions of the applicable regulations, regarding the processing of personal data obtained through the website (hereinafter, the “Website”).

Access to and use of the Website confers the condition of user (hereinafter, “User/s”) and implies knowledge and acceptance of the conditions included in this Privacy Policy.

2. Data Controller

  • Identity: Crisalion Mobility, S.L. (hereinafter, “CRISALION”)
  • Tax ID No.: B06845390
  • Postal address: C/ de Rafael Botí, 2, Moncloa – Aravaca, 28023 Madrid, Spain
  • Telephone No.: 911138988
  • Email address:


3. Collection of Users’ personal data

CRISALION collects information from Users when they make use of those functionalities of the Website that require them to provide certain personal data. Personal Data refers to any information or data that can identify you directly (e.g. your name or surname) or indirectly (e.g. your national identity number). Personal Data includes information such as email addresses, residential addresses, mobile phone numbers, among others. This Policy covers all personal data collected through the Website and used by CRISALION.

Specifically, CRISALION will record the following information:

  • Contact form and/or sending of emails: the Personal Data (including, but not limited to, name and surname, email address, postal address, or other information that you share with us) that the User voluntarily provides through the aforementioned form or when sending an email.
  • Curriculum Submission Form: the personal data (including, but not limited to, name and email address), including the curriculum vitae, that the User voluntarily provides through the aforementioned form.
  • Where appropriate, for the sending of commercial communications: the Personal Data (including, but not limited to, name and surname, email address, postal address, or other information that you share with us) that the User voluntarily provides us with through the form provided on the website.


4. Purpose of the processing of User data

The personal data that the User provides us with through the forms and features

enabled on the Website will be processed for the purposes and on the legal bases listed below:

  • Consent of the data subject (article 6.1, letter “a” of the GDPR)
    • To attend to and respond to requests made by Users through web forms and/or emails sent to the addresses provided on the Website.
    • To attend and manage the sending of resumes by the Users and to keep them for consideration in future personnel selection processes carried out by CRISALION.
    • With the User’s prior authorisation, to send commercial communications and/or invitations to events, to promote our products, to offer personalised services, etc. by electronic and/or ordinary means about the products and/or services offered by CRISALION.
  • Compliance with the legal obligations applicable to CRISALION as a result of the processing described above (article 6.1, letter “c” of the GDPR)


5. Communication of Users data to recipients

Users’ personal data will not be communicated to third parties, except for the fulfilment of legal obligations to which CRISALION is subject.

However, CRISALION may outsource the infrastructure and/or services necessary for the correct functioning of the Website and its features to third party suppliers. In such a case, CRISALION undertakes only to select and contract suppliers that offer an adequate level of protection and allow you to exercise your rights regarding the processing of your personal data.


6. Retention of User data

  • In the case of the contact form and/or emails, personal data will be kept by CRISALION only for the time necessary to attend to and manage each specific request made by the User.
  • In the case of submitting curricula through the designated form, for a maximum period of one (1) year. After this period, your data may be outdated, and therefore we will proceed to delete all your information.
  • In the case of the sending of commercial communications, this will be until the User revokes the consent given to receive them.

Once the aforementioned period has elapsed, the Users’ personal data may be blocked and stored by CRISALION for the purpose of attending to any potential liabilities arising from the processing of said data and only during the limitation period of such liabilities. After this period, the personal data will be deleted by CRISALION.


7. Updating Users’ personal data

The User guarantees that the personal data provided to CRISALION through this Website are accurate, correct, up-to-date and complete. The User is responsible for notifying CRISALION of any changes or updates to this data, by sending a communication to the postal or email addresses detailed in section 9. “User rights” and following the instructions contained therein.


8. Personal data of third parties

In general, Users are prohibited from providing personal data relating to third parties. However, in the event that the User provides personal data of third parties, the User must inform such persons of the contents of this Privacy Policy prior to the communication of their data to CRISALION. The User ensures that they have obtained the prior consent of such third parties for the communication of their personal data to CRISALION for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy.


9. User rights

Users have the right to withdraw their consent to the processing of their data at any time. Likewise, Users may exercise, before CRISALION, their rights of access, rectification, erasure and portability of their data, of restriction and objection to its processing, as well as the right not to be subject to decisions based solely on the automated processing of their data, where applicable.

To this end, you may use the following channels, always enclosing a photocopy of your ID card or any other document that proves your identity:

  • By letter, to the address: C/ de Rafael Botí, 2, Moncloa – Aravaca, 28023 Madrid, Spain
  • By email, to:

Lastly, in the event that the User should become aware of or believes there to be a breach of the applicable regulations on data protection, they may file a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency.


10. Updates and changes to the Privacy Policy

CRISALION reserves the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy. When such changes occur, they will be communicated to Users by means of notices on the Website, by email or by any other appropriate means.
