Legal notice


Crisalion Mobility, S.L. (hereinafter Crisalion) is the owner of the domain, as well as of the website that is published and hosted under the aforementioned domain and made available to its users (natural or legal persons) for the purpose of providing information on its corporate identity, products and services.

In accordance with current legislation, users of (hereinafter the “Website”) are hereby informed of the following general information:

  • Registered Office: C/ Elcano 5 1ºdcha 48011 Bilbao (SPAIN)
  • Registration Data: Registered in the Companies Registry of Bizkaia, in volume 6019, folio 1, entry 1, sheet BI 77036.
  • Tax ID No.: B06845390
  • Postal address: C/ de Rafael Botí, 2, Moncloa – Aravaca, 28023 Madrid (SPAIN)
  • Email address:
  • Telephone No.: +34 911138988


Users are required to make correct use of the Website in accordance with the law and this Legal Notice. The User shall be held liable to Crisalion Mobility or to third parties for any damages that may be caused as a result of non-compliance with this requirement.

It is expressly forbidden to use the Website for the purpose of damaging the property or interests of Crisalion Mobility or that in any other way overload, damage or render useless the networks, servers and other computer equipment (hardware), or products and computer applications (software), belonging to Crisalion or third parties.


The Website, including its graphic design, as well as the contents of the same, which include but are not limited to texts, photographs, graphics, images, software and other content, are the intellectual property of Crisalion Mobility or of third parties who have licensed it to Crisalion Mobility. No usage rights recognised by current regulations on intellectual property are understood to have been granted to the Users. In particular, Users shall refrain from reproducing, copying, distributing, making available, publicly communicating, transforming or modifying the contents except to the extent necessary for browsing the Website, in the cases authorised by law or when expressly consented to by Crisalion Mobility.

The distinguishing signs (trademarks, brand names, etc.) are owned by Crisalion Mobility. Access to the Website does not afford Users any rights over the aforementioned trademarks, brand names and/or other distinguishing signs.


4.1. For service availability

Crisalion Mobility endeavours to keep the Website up and running and error free, but Users agree to use the Website at their own risk. The Website is provided on an “as is” basis without warranty of any kind, express or implied, and, except as may be legally required under applicable law, we make no warranties as to its merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, nor do we guarantee that access to or use of the Website will be uninterrupted or completely error-free. Furthermore, access to the Website requires services and supplies from third parties, including transfer over telecommunications networks. The reliability, quality, security, continuity and functioning thereof is not the responsibility of Crisalion Mobility nor under its control. Crisalion Mobility shall not be held liable for failures or outages in telecommunications networks or other services provided by third parties that cause the suspension, cancellation or interruption of access to the Website.

4.2. For content and services linked to through the Website

The Website may include links that allow the User to access other websites and portals (hereinafter “Linked Sites”). In such cases, Crisalion acts as an intermediary service provider in accordance with article 17 of Spanish Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (“LSSI”) and shall only be responsible for the contents and services provided on the Linked Sites insofar as it has actual knowledge of any illegality and fails to disable the link with due diligence. In the event that a User considers that a Linked Site contains illegal or inappropriate content, they may notify Crisalion Mobility in accordance with the procedure and the effects established in section 5 of this Legal Notice, without such a notification entailing an obligation to remove the corresponding link.

Under no circumstances shall the existence of Linked Sites presuppose the existence of agreements with the managers or owners thereof, nor any recommendation, promotion or identification of Crisalion with the statements, contents or services provided therein.

4.3. For the Website security

The connection to the Website is made through open networks in such a way that Crisalion Mobility does not control the security of the data communication or of the systems connected to the Internet. It is the User’s responsibility to have appropriate tools for the prevention, detection and disinfection of harmful computer programs or malicious software. Information on free tools for detecting malicious software, such as viruses, malware, etc. can be obtained from the OSI website:

Crisalion Mobility shall not be held liable for any damage caused to Users’ devices when connected to the Website due to the actions of third parties nor for any lack of security or confidentiality of the information transmitted by third-party systems and telecommunications networks, or as a result of software or hardware vulnerabilities in a User’s own device.


In the event that a User becomes aware that the Linked Sites, contents or any other service provided through the Website are illicit, harmful, derogatory, violent or immoral, or in any other way infringe the rights of third parties, they may contact Crisalion Mobility indicating the following information:

  • Personal data (name, address, telephone number and email address). Crisalion Mobility shall be responsible for the processing of the personal data that the User voluntarily provides us with, the sole purpose of which is to respond to said User’s request. The User may exercise their rights in accordance with the Privacy Policy. The omission of any of these data may mean that the request is not dealt with, without prejudice to any voluntary enquiries that Crisalion Mobility may wish to make.
  • A description of the facts that reveal the illicit or inappropriate nature of the service.
  • In the event of a violation of rights, such as intellectual or industrial property rights or any other, which could not have been deduced by Crisalion Mobility, documentation should be provided to prove the existence of the legal right or title infringed upon. Furthermore, the personal data of the holder of the infringed right must be provided when it is a person other than the User, as well as a document authorising them to act on behalf of the former in these cases.
  • A specific statement that the information contained in the claim is accurate. Receipt by Crisalion of the communication provided for in this clause shall not imply, in accordance with the provisions of the LSSI, actual knowledge of the activities and/or contents indicated by the User.


Users who wish to know what data processing is carried out on the Website and the cookies used on it may consult our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy.


Crisalion Mobility reserves the right to make changes to this Legal Notice, which shall be published in the same way as they appear herein, by any means communicated to the Users or released by any other appropriate procedure.

Therefore, the temporary validity of this Legal Notice coincides with the time of its publication, until it is totally or partially modified, at which time the modified Legal Notice shall come into force. Accordingly, Users should carefully read this Legal Notice every time they visit the Website.

Crisalion Mobility may terminate, suspend or interrupt, at any time and without prior notice, access to this Website or any of the services provided through it. In such a case, Users shall not be able to claim any compensation whatsoever. After any such termination, the prohibitions on the use of the contents set out above in this Legal Notice shall remain in force.


All matters relating to our Website and this Legal Notice shall be governed exclusively by Spanish Law.