Frequently asked questions

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When and how did CRISALION Mobility come about?

CRISALION Mobility, formerly known as UMILES Next, was founded in 2020 with the aim of becoming a Spanish benchmark in the design and development of advanced, efficient, safe and sustainable mobility solutions. Since its inception, CRISALION Mobility has been a pioneer in the promotion of electric air and ground mobility (Air&Ground) through proprietary technologies, offering solutions for both national and international operators.

What is an eVTOL?

An eVTOL is an electric vertical take-off and landing aircraft. It can be piloted with personnel on board or remotely. The main feature of these aircraft is that they do not require a conventional runway, so the infrastructure required to deploy them (vertiports) is much smaller than that of an airport.

When will CRISALION Mobility have the first aircraft ready for market?

Crisalion Mobility currently has an aircraft called “Concept Integrity” which is being used as a prototype for flight testing and to fine tune the systems.

The second aircraft, which has been named “Integrity”, is scheduled for production in 2027 and due to be available in 2028. When it is ready, there will be six months for ground testing and a further 12 months for flight testing, during which time we will conduct certification tests.

During the following three months we will carry out the final certification procedures and we expect the first units to be ready in 2030 and flying in 2031.

What will our Integrity aircraft look like?

Integrity will be capable of carrying one pilot and five passengers, with a range of up to 130 kilometres, a cruising speed of 180 km/hour and will reach speeds of up to 216 km/hour. This aircraft, which will initially be piloted on board and then operated remotely, is intended for urban and intercity missions, offering passengers a fully comfortable experience.

What is FlyFree?

FlyFree is a patented propulsion technology capable of controlling the aircraft’s movements in all directions, thereby achieving unmatched stability, safety and agility in every phase of flight, including in adverse weather conditions.

What are the benefits of FlyFree technology?

Efficiency: we will reduce road congestion and waiting times.

Safety and comfort: thanks to FlyFree technology, we will offer passengers a comfortable and safe experience.

Sustainability: our electric aircraft contribute to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly future. The eVTOL aircraft, in addition to not emitting CO2, are quieter than traditional planes and helicopters, reducing the number of decibels by 50%, which translates into less noise pollution.

What is a vertiport?

A vertiport is an infrastructure specifically intended for the take-off, landing and operation of vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) aircraft. These sites are equipped with the facilities and technologies necessary to safely and efficiently operate these aircraft.

In a vertiport, aspects considered include the layout of take-off and landing space, the infrastructure for aircraft maintenance and loading, as well as air traffic control systems in the area. In addition, the strategic location of vertiports is designed to facilitate mobility and connectivity in urban and densely populated areas, thus optimising the use of air vehicles for public and private transport.

What are the use cases for CRISALION Mobility aircraft?

Logistics: transporting parcels from one point to another, which will speed up processes such as the delivery of health supplies or medication.

Tourism: transporting tourists with more economical and sustainable air tours.

Emergencies and security: they can be used as a vehicle for the fire brigade and State Security Forces and Corps to get to hard-to-reach places faster and to carry out aerial surveillance operations.

Executive: safe movement of public figures.

Public transport: to get from the airport to another area of the city or for other similar uses.

Will CRISALION Mobility vehicles be accessible to all?

Yes. All vehicles will be adapted for people with reduced mobility.

What will it cost to travel in vehicles of CRISALION Mobility?

The price will not be higher than that of a taxi or any other type of public transport vehicle.

Will the aircraft be silent?

Yes, given that they are electric, they will be much quieter than conventional helicopters, generating approximately just 60 decibels.

When will the first Ground vehicles be ready for market?

We estimate that the first prototype ground vehicles will be ready in 2024, and provided the regulations allow for it, we will be able to start commercialisation in 2025.

What is Intellydrive?

Technology for fleet management that combines remote operation and the coordinated driving of dynamic vehicle convoys managed from a control centre.

This technology provides the operator with an immersive driving experience, guaranteeing the safety and comfort of the vehicle occupants.

In the case of convoys, the lead vehicle is controlled by a driver who can be physically inside the vehicle or operating it from the control centre, while the rest of the vehicles follow automatically.

What type of use will CRISALION Mobility’s ground mobility solutions have?

Large infrastructures: airports, ports, freight transport, logistics, mines, etc.

With shared traffic: car sharing and goods distribution logistics.

Closed and controlled environments: technology parks, university campuses, resorts, shopping centres, car parks, depots, festivals, theme parks, etc.

What are the benefits of Intellydrive technology?

Efficiency: an electric vehicle teleoperated by Intellydrive technology which, thanks to the creation of convoys, makes it possible to reduce the number of drivers, non-operational usage times and the number of drivers per vehicle.

Flexibility: real-time adaptation of the size of the fleet and the configuration of the mobility system according to the needs at the time in question and on demand.

Safety: the digitalisation and sensorisation of vehicles will help us to reduce the number of accidents. In risky operations, cargo can be transported without a driver inside the vehicle.

Safety: remote driving and on-board systems provide a safer operating environment for drivers, vehicles and their cargo.

What kind of vehicles is CRISALION Mobility developing?

We are developing a vehicle called Serenity and tailor-made solutions according to customer needs, both of which are to be available in two versions: with and without a driving seat.